You Should Always Appeal A Psychological Disqualification

Even if you have no intention of pursuing the position you were disqualified for, you should always appeal your psychological disqualification, because if you do not, that psychological disqualification will follow you and become a red flag for other law enforcement agencies.

All major law enforcement and public safety agencies in the country conduct pre-appointment psychological screenings of prospective officers, and although they make every effort to conduct their screenings in an in-depth, fair, and reasonable manner, the unfortunate truth is that many Candidates are psychologically disqualified for no valid reason. Furthermore, this improper disqualification then follows the Candidate when they decide to apply for other law enforcement positions in other jurisdictions.

Therefore, it is imperative that you fight back by appealing your disqualification.

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, please feel free to contact Kevin Sheerin at 516 248 0040.




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