There are 3 main types of disqualifications for civil service jobs – medical, psychological and character.
Reason: Fail the medical examination.
There are many reasons why candidates can be medically disqualified. Any physical disability that would make it difficult to perform the duties of the position applied for would be grounds for disqualification. This would include minor problems with hearing or vision as well as more major issues involving the respiratory or cardiovascular systems.

Reason: Fail the written or oral psychological examination.
There are two components to the psychological exam – written and oral. You can fail either one of these portions and be disqualified. If you receive a psychological disqualification you will need a second opinion from another psychologist. This doctor will need to interview you, review the records from the department you applied to, and then write a report giving their professional opinion of your fitness to serve as a civil servant.

Reason: Fail the background check.
On the DCAS website they set forth the following list of concerning factors that may disqualify a candidate from the NYPD:
The following are factors which would ordinarily be cause for disqualification:
- Conviction of an offense which indicates lack of good moral character or disposition towards violence or disorder, or which is punishable by one or more years imprisonment.
- Repeated convictions of an offense which indicates disrespect for the law.
- Discharge from employment as a result of poor behavior or inability to adjust to discipline.
- Dishonorable discharge from the United States Military.
- Conviction of an offense for Domestic Violence Misdemeanors.
- A Felony.
- Statutory Disqualification (disqualified by law).
As a civil service disqualification appeals attorney with more than 18 years of experience, I have extensive knowledge on how to appeal a NYPD Disqualification. Over the years I have helped many clients win their appeal. I can help you too.
If you have questions about your NYPD disqualification and you would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact me at 516 248 0040 to discuss your appeal.
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