Reasons Candidates Fail the NYPD Psychological Exam

Stressed About the NYPD Psychological Evaluation

– pre-employment evaluation
– psychological disqualification
– NYPD appeal
– forensic assessment
– police psych exam disqualifiers

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Reasons Candidates Fail the NYPD Psychological Exam…

The NYPD psychological exam evaluates a candidate’s suitability for law enforcement. The following are some reasons why candidates may fail the exam: 

Mental HealthAnxiety, depression, suicidal tendencies, or other mental health issues.
Substance Use/AbuseMisuse, abuse, or addiction of alcohol or any other substances.
Interpersonal SkillsPoor social competence, presentation, or interpersonal skills.
JudgmentPoor judgment, poor impulse control, or difficulty making decisions.
Stress TolerancePoor stress tolerance or difficulty coping with the demands associated with the job of law enforcement.
HonestyBeing dishonest about your personal history, relationships, employment, experiences, or psychological issues.
BiasRacial or any other bias.
ImmaturityImmaturity or failure to adjust to the psychological demands of adulthood.

The NYPD psychological exam is a comprehensive evaluation that includes both written tests and an oral interview. 
The goal of the exam is to ensure that candidates are mentally and emotionally prepared for the challenges of police work. 

Candidates who fail the exam can appeal the decision, by s
tarting an appeal process within 30 days, consulting with a lawyer, and getting an independent psychological evaluation.

Tune in to Kevin’s New York civil service law attorney podcast for further tips, guidance and information about the NYPD Hiring Process. And don’t forget to subscribe and leave a review if you find his episodes helpful.  Remember, stay focused, stay prepared and never give up on your dreams.

If you failed your NYPD Psychological Evaluation or have been disqualified for any reason and would like to schedule a free consultation, feel free to contact Kevin Sheerin at 516.248.0040.





-Reasons Candidates Fail the NYPD Psychological Exam

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