80+ Google Reviews for The Law Firm of Kevin P. Sheerin
NYPD Candidate Disqualifications – Successful Appeals Shared…
The following testimonials are from several of our clients, who faced disqualifications during the NYPD application process, but successfully appealed and ultimately overcame the odds:
April, 2023: “Going through a NOPD or DQ is a really stressful and daunting process. When it came time to go before the NYC Civil Service Commission, I felt confident having Mr. Sheerin represent me. My DQ was ultimately reversed.” – Taylor S
February, 2023: “…I hired Kevin back in 2020 to appeal my NOPD… and it was once again denied. Kevin told me if I ever did the process again to call him. I told him I probably won’t…, but if anything I’ll call. Jump forward to 2022 and there I am in the process again. To my surprise Kevin never attempted to make money from me but rather reviewed my last NOPD and prepared me for my upcoming interview. I believe it’s with his words of wisdom and guidance that I was successful. His advice was important and yet simple that I was probably too arrogant to see. In the end it worked out for me by the guidance of Kevin and I thank him so much for keeping in contact with me even though he wasn’t seeking money, but rather to make sure I was able to join the NYPD.” – Aleem H.
January, 2023: “I recently applied to become a police officer for the New York Police Department. After going through the process, I was scheduled for my first psychological interview. I received an email that I was disqualified. I hired Kevin right away when I received the rejection letter. I knew this could impact any future law enforcement hiring. He guided me through the general appeal process [and] figured out what likely caused the disqualification. Because of him and his staff’s experience I got a second psychological test opportunity. I passed and will be starting the academy. The appeal process has timelines and requirements that require an expert’s assistance and your willingness to follow their advice. The process takes a few months. I had to retake tests that I passed like the physical due to time lapse, but it was worth it, and so was hiring Kevin. He is your best chance at having a timely and strong appeal if you contact him right after the disqualification.” – Jason W.
Perhaps the experiences, challenges, and strategies shared by the above Candidates who overcame their disqualifications, will provide you with valuable insight and motivation.
The Law Office of Kevin P. Sheerin is dedicated to helping disqualified Candidates.

If you have questions about your NYPD disqualification and would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact Kevin at 516.248.0040.
Email: kevin@sheerinlaw.com
Website: www.sheerinlaw.com
Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com
Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin
Twitter: @DQLawyer
Podcast: www.newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com
-NYPD Candidate Disqualifications – Successful Appeals Shared