75+ Google Reviews for the Law Firm of Kevin P. Sheerin
Kevin P. Sheerin is a retired attorney with the NYPD Legal Bureau who understands the complexities of Civil Service Law. As a private attorney with more than 20 years of experience, Kevin understands the challenges you will face and the difficulties you may have in your disqualification appeal case.
Many of the cases Kevin handles are disqualification cases. It is imperative that you call a Civil Service attorney to discuss your case. There are three types of disqualifications: medical, psychological, and character. In the case of disqualifications you will be asked to get a second opinion from an independent doctor. This doctor may be an orthopedist, neurologist, cardiologist, psychologist or any other type of doctor qualified to give an expert opinion regarding the reason why you were disqualified. Mr. Sheerin has successfully handled many cases for candidates who were diagnosed with spinal disorders, cardiac disorders or even intestinal disorders. It is important that you consult with an experienced Civil Service lawyer to discuss your options regarding these cases.
The Law Office of Kevin P. Sheerin is dedicated to helping Civil Service employees who are facing issues regarding appointment, promotion, discipline and discrimination. We have helped numerous people get Civil Service jobs after they were disqualified for reasons such as Character issues, Psychological issues or prior employment problems.
If you have questions about your NYPD disqualification and would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact Kevin at 516.248.0040.
Email: kevin@sheerinlaw.com
Website: www.sheerinlaw.com
Blog: civilservice.sheerinlaw.com
Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin
Twitter: @DQLawyer
Podcast: www.newyorkcivilservicelawattorneypodcast.com