There has been a sharp increase in the percentage of candidates appealing their NYPD NOPD psychological disqualification, and subsequently succeeding at a second interview.

However, before you can get a second interview you must first appeal your disqualification.
It is imperative that you obtain all of the facts before you act.
I am available if you would like to discuss the facts surrounding your particular situation and the appeal process for NOPD appeals (“step one”). We can also discuss what happened in the oral psychological interview, some tips and tactics, and how to avoid traps in a second interview, as well as the process for filing an appeal with the New York City Civil Service Commission in the event that you do not succeed at step one. We can also go over how to present the best case in order to get a hearing before the commission and how to succeed at that hearing.
April, 2022 – “Kevin helped me get my disqualification reversed! Very professional and knowledgeable. Highly recommended!” – S.J.

September, 2021 – “Highly recommend for anyone looking to get on after being disqualified! I first met with Mr. Sheerin in 2017 after being disqualified from the NYPD. After going through the process of appeal, commission vacated the disqualification. Later on, I began processing on a new exam and met with Mr. Sheerin to prep for the interview. I am glad to say with his help, I was accepted into the most recent police academy for the NYPD! Don’t give up.” – Ashley A.
As a civil service disqualification appeals attorney with more than 18 years of experience, I have extensive knowledge on how to appeal a NYPD Disqualification. Over the years I have helped many clients win their appeal. I can help you too.
If you have questions about your NYPD disqualification and would like to schedule a free consultation, please contact me at 516 248 0040 to discuss your appeal.
Facebook: Law_Office_of Kevin_P._Sheerin
Twitter: @DQLawyer
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